
LG Soft India Feb 2024 - Present
Senior Research Engineer Bangalore, India
  • Working on webOS System & Application Manager (SAM) component in Core Software Platform team for LG Smart TV & Raspberry Pi.

  • Discrete Access Control (DAC) for SAM | C++, Linux, Embedded Systems
    Designed and developed DAC for SAM to allow discrete access to system resources and operations that require root privileges. After this feature SAM runs with non-root user ‘system’ and launches user applications, system services with that user to improve system security.

Sandvine Technologies Aug 2021 - Jan 2024
Senior Software Engineer Bangalore, India
  • Worked on ActiveLogic Deep Packet Inspection tool in Data-Plane team.

  • Granular roles | C, C++, Linux
    Lead the development of this feature that allows admin users to create custom roles by combining permissions to system resources.

  • License data to system diagnostics | C, C++, pthread, IPC, Linux
    Developed this feature to view license data on system diagnostics to restrict the access to CLI as preventive security measure.

Mavenir Systems Aug 2019 - Jul 2021
Member of Technical Staff 2 Bangalore, India
  • Worked on WebRTC Gateway (WRG) service in WRG team.

  • Aggregated IMDN | C++, Linux, Distributed Systems, REST
    Developed this feature to send notifications of offline IMs when reconnected by aggregating them in a single call to reduce network usage.

Toshiba Software Dec 2016 - Jul 2019
Software Engineer Bangalore, India
  • Worked on Multi-Functional Peripheral (MFP) machine in Device Layer (DL) team.

  • Custom size scan | C++, Linux, IPC, Embedded systems
    Lead the development of this feature to allow users to scan non-standard paper sizes such as identity cards and bills.

Textual Analytics Solutions | Jul 2016 - Dec 2016 | Trainee Engineer | Bangalore, India


BMS College of Engineering Aug 2012 - Mar 2016
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Communications Bangalore, India


  • Appraised for leading feature development & providing KT to team.
  • Improved my coding speed by creating dotfiles.
  • Delivered tech talks on: Linux, Kernel, Git, Vim & Automation.
  • Active in open source software development communities: webOS, LibreOffice, Vim.