The stupid content tracker.
Table of Contents
Reset commits
Using rebase with exec option.
# check if git user info is correct and then use this
git rebase -r <some commit before your bad commits> \
--exec 'git commit --amend --no-edit --reset-author'
Git log formats
Git log to excel sheet table format:
$ git log --pretty=format:"%h%x09%cn%x09%ce%x09%cd%x09%an%x09%ae%x09%ad%x09%s"
#git log pretty format table headers
#Commit id Committer name Committer email Commit date Commit time
#Author name Author email Author date Author time Commit message
Git cherry-pick use cases
Merge a range of commits from one branch to another:
$ git rev-list --reverse --no-merges PERM_BRANCH_1..feature/ABC | git\
cherry-pick -x --stdin
# disable these options for git ps1 to speed up prompt in large git repos such
# as linux kernel
git config --local bash.showDirtyState false
git config --local bash.showUntrackedFiles false
Git format-patch
git format-patch origin/$(git_current_branch).. -o /tmp/
sd 'Mani Kumar D A <>' 'Mani Kumar <>' \
git am /tmp/*.patch --reject
Use newren/git-filter-repo to quickly rewrite git repository history.
Move a sub-directory to another repository with history
# 1. Make clone of the original repository 'repo1'
git clone --no-local /path/to/repo1 /tmp/repo1
# 2. Re-write history to contain only the sub-directory
cd /tmp/repo1
git filter-repo --path dir1/sdir1/ --path-rename dir1/sdir1/:'' \
--commit-callback '
if not commit.message.endswith(b"\n"):
commit.message += b"\n"
commit.message += b"Original-Commit:\n\n"
commit.message += b" repo1@%s" % commit.original_id
# 3. Fetch this re-written history into 'repo2'
cd /path/to/repo2
git fetch /tmp/repo1
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories FETCH_HEAD
Git LFS is a system for managing and versioning large files in association with a Git repository.
pull a large file
git lfs pull --include "archives/busybox-1.31.1.tar.bz2"
Disable these git_ps1
features per repo for faster git prompt when
the repository is large e.g. linux kernel and slows shell prompt:
git config bash.showDirtyState false
git config bash.showUntrackedFiles false