
SCSS mixin to apply themed colors in web UI design

How to apply themed colors to web UI components using SCSS mixin as implemented in hugo-xterm theme.

Git custom command to backport commits

When backporting commits in git replace cherry picked commit line with custom message to indicate it is a backported commit.

GNU Linux GRUB customizations and automation

Customizing GNU GRUB Multiboot boot loader for Linux.

Linux XFCE Desktop Environment customizations and automation

Customizing and automating XFCE Desktop Environment for automated installtion.

Linux memory allocator

Brief discussion on Linux memory allocator.

Kali linux customizations and automation

Customizing Kali linux for automated installation.

Gcov with Lcov usage

How to use gcov with lcov frontend to generate code coverage reports for C++ projects.

Linux IPC in 3 minutes

Quick summary of Linux IPC mechanisms.

GTags usage

Gtags & Global usage doc for tagging and browsing cpp projects.

OpenCV Support Vector Machine training

Train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model to recognize facial features using OpenCV (Computer Vision) Cpp API and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG).