Git custom command to backport commits
When backporting commits in git replace cherry picked commit line with custom message to indicate it is a backported commit.
Table of Contents
Git provides an option git cherry-pick -x
to record the commit message from
which the cherry picked commit was formed when backporting changes. This
commit message “(cherry picked from commit …)” is very generic and does not
convey why cherry pick was done. Or we may want to make additional changes to
the original commit message.
For this reason most projects will have a custom message e.g. “Backport-Of:
{SHA1}” to be appended for backported changes to indicate from which commit
they were cherry picked from. To add this custom message we need to open a
text editor each time cherry-pick was performed with git cherry-pick -xe
option and manually change the SHA1 hash line.
This is a repeated and exhaustive task if there are large number of commits to backport. For this we create a custom command to search and replace the SHA1 hash line with the custom message.
Search and replace with sed
Searching and replacing cherry picked from commit line can be done by sed
stream editor and regular expression as below.
sed 's/(cherry picked.*\([0-9a-f]\{40\}\))/Backport-Of: \1/'
Explanation of above regular expression is simple first we match any line that
starts with “(cherry picked” and then capture the string that is made of
numericals and lowercase alphabets “([0-9a-f]{40})” and it is of 40
characters length this is SHA1 hash pattern. This is then available as
parameter 1 in sed
substitute command.
substitute command performs the search and replace of cherry picked from
commit line with “Backport-Of: " commit message and replaces parameter 1 with
SHA1 hash.
Git custom command to automate search and replace
Add above sed
command to search and replace cherry picked from commit line
to a bash script as below. Give it a sensible name such as gcpx_ed
and make
it executable and available in $PATH
e.g. copy it into ~/.local/bin/
$ bat -p `which gcpx_ed`
# Replace SHA1 line in git cherry pick commit message
sed -i 's/(cherry picked.*\([0-9a-f]\{40\}\))/Backport-Of: \1/' $1
This acts as a simple text editor which opens a file given to it and performs text substitution in-place and closes it with SUCCESS or ERROR.
Use this as a git editor before executing git cherry-pick -xe {SHA1}
so that
custom message is automatically added.
GIT_EDITOR=gcpx_ed git cherry-pick -xe {SHA1}
To simplify this command create an alias as below and save it in ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
gcpx='GIT_EDITOR=gcpx_ed git cherry-pick -xe'
Now we have the git custom command gcpx
to backport commits with custom
message cherry picked from commit line. It can be invoked as gcpx {SHA1}